Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote As if A Hurricane Had You in it's Sights

live near and work in New York City. I am seeing first-hand the folks struggling after being ravaged by Hurricane Sandy. 

Once in a while I think about Katrina. I didn't see that first hand.  But I remember the reports. President Bush was having a slice of John McCain's birthday cake in Arizona while Katrina bore down on the people in Louisiana. I remember hearing about rape, death, and gun-toting thugs in an out-of-control New Orleans. I remember seeing a  video of "looting" - people taking bread  food so their kids wouldn't starve.  It disgusted me when they played a scene in which a guy carrying a case of diapers was forced by the National Guard to "drop that" into the deep water at his feet because he was "looting". 

That's what we got when the President was a man whose first concern was to protect businesses.   I'm so grateful that President Obama is not George Bush.  I'm so proud to vote for a man who is strong in crisis and compassionate in his core.

We've all seen how involved and responsive President Obama's actions have been before, during, and after Sandy.  That tells me what I need to know to vote like lives, futures, and national security depend on it - and they do.

Please, go out and vote. Take someone with you. 

Thank you.

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